User contributions for AwesomO

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10 July 2023

  • 22:3822:38, 10 July 2023 diff hist +21,122 N Nix Package Manager in an Ubuntu 22.04 LXC Container for TestingCreated page with "==prerequisite== * LXD - Basic knowledge , install LXD and launch a container * Terminal: will be using the terminal. == Create a container == <code>lxc launch ubuntu:2204 nix</code> <code>lxc exec nix bash</code> <code>apt update && apt upgrade -y</code> == Optional steps for the paranoid == The default Ubuntu containers come with a user named '''ubuntu'''. In a new container, this user does not have a password set and can run sudo without being prompted for a pa..."

18 May 2023

5 May 2023

  • 19:0319:03, 5 May 2023 diff hist +17,567 N FreeBSD 13.2 Jail Local Mediawiki Nginx MySQLCreated page with "==Hosting a Local Wiki in a FreeBSD Jail== View the FreeBSD 13.2 Jails page to setup a jail in freebsd This tut will will assume you have: * Jail setup at path '''/pods/mediawiki''' * Allowed Jail IP through Firewall * copied over your '''resolv.conf''' to jail ===jail.conf=== Create a configuration file for your jail. The following example assumes you're using the jail utility provided by FreeBSD: Edit '''/etc/jail.conf''' and add the followi..."
  • 15:0215:02, 5 May 2023 diff hist +54,902 N FreeBSD 13.2: Comprehensive Home Server Setup with OpenZFS, IPFW, Ports, Jails, Mediawiki, Nginx, and Remote AccessCreated page with " ==Use Case Setup== I have a LocalWiki installed on my home network that I frequently use to create drafts. However, I also want to be able to access it remotely when I'm out and about. To achieve this, I plan on using an SSH tunnel. While Ubuntu/Linux LXD-LXC containers do allow for the container to have both a public and private IP address, I've encountered some issues with accessing the Wiki. Specifically: :* I am unable to connect to the Public IP of the Wiki f..." current
  • 14:5614:56, 5 May 2023 diff hist +3,717 N FreeBSD 13.2 sysrcCreated page with "A Guide to FreeBSD '''sysrc''' for Beginners ==Introduction== FreeBSD, a popular UNIX-like operating system, comes with a powerful tool known as '''sysrc''' for managing system configuration files. This guide will provide an in-depth explanation of what 'sysrc' is, its capabilities, and its usage with practical examples. By the end of this tutorial, even the newest FreeBSD users will understand the basics of 'sysrc' and how it can be beneficial in managing system confi..." current
  • 14:5614:56, 5 May 2023 diff hist +2,514 N FreeBSD 13.2 adduserCreated page with "==Adduser== ===Basic Example=== If you haven't already, open a terminal window. Run '''adduser''' as a superuser: To create a new user, you'll need to have '''root''' privileges. Use the '''sudo''' command run '''adduser''' as a superuser: <code>sudo adduser</code> This will start the interactive user creation process. ====Enter the new user's information==== Follow the prompts to enter information about the new user named 'noob'. The important fields to fill ou..." current
  • 14:5514:55, 5 May 2023 diff hist +3,870 N FreeBSD 13.2 PortsCreated page with "In FreeBSD, the Ports Collection is a comprehensive framework for installing and managing third-party applications. To install and update the Ports tree, follow these steps: ==Install the Ports tree== If you haven't installed the Ports tree during the FreeBSD installation, you can do it using the '''portsnap''' utility. First, fetch the latest snapshot of the Ports tree: <code>portsnap fetch</code> After fetching the snapshot, extract it to '''/usr/ports''': <code>p..." current
  • 14:5414:54, 5 May 2023 diff hist +2,682 N FreeBSD 13.2 Init systemCreated page with "FreeBSD uses an init system called the "BSD-style init system" or "rc.d init system". It is a collection of shell scripts that are used to manage services and system startup. The init system in FreeBSD is simpler and less dynamic than some other init systems like systemd (used in many Linux distributions), but it is easy to understand, configure, and maintain. Here's an overview of the FreeBSD init system components and how they work: :* /sbin/init: This is the firs..." current
  • 14:5314:53, 5 May 2023 diff hist +13,165 N FreeBSD 13.2 OpenZFSCreated page with "==Safely Creating a ZFS Dataset in an Existing Directory== Assuming you have a username '''foo''' on your FreeBSD system, and your home directory is located at '''/usr/home/foo'''. Your ZFS pool, visible by running zfs list, is '''nuc/usr/home'''. Let's create a dataset named '''backup''' inside '''/usr/home/foo''' without overwriting any data. :* Identify the pool you want to create the dataset in. You can list your existing ZFS pools by running: <code>zfs list</c..." current
  • 14:5114:51, 5 May 2023 diff hist +9,935 N FreeBSD 13.2 JailsCreated page with " ==FreeBSD Jail Setup Manually== Creating a FreeBSD jail manually involves downloading and extracting the base package for the desired FreeBSD release. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to do this: ===Using OpenZFS=== '''OpenZFS''' is a very powerful and helpful File-System that can allow us to very easily '''create''', '''clone''', '''snapshot''', '''restore''', '''destroy''', '''backup''' and '''transfer''' are jails. ====Create a directory for the jail==== In..." current
  • 14:4914:49, 5 May 2023 diff hist +2,642 N FreeBSD 13.2: Monitoring and Managing System ResourcesCreated page with "Drafting: ==Memory usage== In FreeBSD, the alternative to the Linux command '''free -m''' is the '''sysctl''' and '''top''' commands. The free -m command in Linux displays memory usage in megabytes. To obtain similar information in FreeBSD, you can use the following methods: ===Using sysctl=== The sysctl command can be used to display memory usage information. Run the following command to get the memory usage in bytes: <code>sysctl hw.physmem hw.pagesize vm.stats.vm..." current

4 May 2023

3 May 2023

28 April 2023

27 April 2023

26 April 2023

24 April 2023

23 April 2023

15 April 2023

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