Greetings Fellow Noobs, after all we all start as Noobs.

Fair Warning: This site is run by a CompleteNoob, working it out as I go, use at own risk.

Welcome to the “CompleteNoobs” project which is still in a draft conceptual phase of development and can be found at -

Signup’s currently open

The mission/quest of this project is to make a libre licensed education wiki for the general public by the general public, that ensures the following freedoms:

The freedom to ‘Read’, ‘Edit/Modify’, ‘Copy’ and ‘Share/Host’ freely.

The only proprietary aspects of CompleteNoobs is the domain and trademark.

The first tutorial is on how to fork the current CompleteNoobs project.

Or just keeping a private copy on your local computer/network which you can use and edit privately.

For Windows 10 and Ubuntu (linux):

For FreeBSD:

And while I have not had the time to test, it should work on OSX as well.

All content from CompleteNoobs is available for download as an XML file which can be downloaded and imported into your own wiki for Local or Global use.

A soft fork of CompleteNoobs was made called CompleteNoobz for pulling in content licensed under CC BY-NC-SA (CompleteNoobz currently on hold)

As you view these pages please keep in mind this was in conceptual development and is the product of only having from February 2023 till May 2023 to work on this full time, after which the project was put on hold. Early sign ups was disabled after the wiki attracted horny sex bots who signed up and shot their payload all over the wiki.

How do we earn that, which we do not know?

Well we have the hard (and sometimes fun) way of learning it by are self’s.

Or the easier way, we find someone who know’s and is doing that which we want to learn, and is willing to teach it to us.

We tend to look on search engines (or preferred sites) for tutorials, I personal prefer text when learning something I already know but require reminders, but when learning something new prefer Video with voice over, Both text and video are prefect for a wiki and can be applied easily.


Education and experimentation allows as to learn what is true or false.

Back in the old days of WEP wifi and when most website where http and not https, I would hear that anyone can grab your ‘username’ and ‘password’ if they where sniffing the internet traffic, this sounded hard to believe so I gave it no mind, if it was true I would of heard it on the news. Then one day I followed a tutorial showing me how to crack the WEP passphase and was surprised as to how quick and easy it was. Then I learned how to sniff/capture packets with wireshark, Had one laptop connected to the wifi running wireshark and on another laptop (also connected with wifi) logged into a http website, was kind of shocked to see my ‘username’ and ‘password’ captured from thin air in plain readable text, with very little know now.

Have you ever wondered if you try to log into the wrong IP address(server) with ssh if you username and password can be captured by that server?

Try it for yourself:


Bitcoin requires education to increase understanding of one of the greatest open-source projects of our time. The current costs of learning Bitcoin for noobs are way too high, by buying and sending from address to address. The lightning network as greatly reduced this cost, but it’s not layer one.

‘Maximillian Schwarzmuller’ has a wonderful and simple course called ‘Learn Python by building a Blockchain’ which shows and explains the basics of a blockchain step by step.

Bitcoin is an open source project, there would be no better way for people to learn and understand Bitcoin than by forking bitcoin and creating a ‘FooCoin’, setting up there own mining network with friends and exchanging some coins.

** Even low-powered computers can mine the first few blocks.

Education can greatly increase the value of Bitcoin to the noob and in return increasing the value of bitcoin.

AI Game Changer for writing Documentation and the CompleteNoobs project.

AI technology is advancing rapidly and is becoming a game-changer in the field of writing documentation. Soon, it might be possible to have an AI read your code repository and create documentation suitable for complete beginners.

As of May 24, 2023, OpenAI's policy allows the use of its AI model outputs for any purpose, which includes releasing content under a CC0 License. However, this policy is subject to future changes.

AI is a powerful tool but it is not perfect and can make mistakes. Therefore, it's essential to thoroughly review, validate, and test any AI-generated content before including it in your documentation.

For example, ChatGPT once provided a tutorial for installing and setting up MediaWiki on a remote server with Ubuntu 22.04. The process suggested setting up SSL after the initial MediaWiki setup, which could have exposed sensitive information over the internet.

Errors or bugs in AI-generated instructions are not rare. Nonetheless, ChatGPT can be a valuable ally in identifying and resolving such issues, acting like a "robot friend" in the documentation process.

Using AI in Documentation and Learning

  1. Specify Context: Inform the AI about the specific operating system and version you are using.

  2. Adjust Complexity: Tailor the AI's explanations to match your understanding level. For example, ask simple or complex questions based on your knowledge.

  3. Request In-Depth Tutorials: AI can generate detailed tutorials with comprehensive explanations and examples. For instance, you could ask for a step-by-step guide on setting up a VPN on Ubuntu 22.04, including troubleshooting tips.

  4. Utilize AI's Flexibility: AI can respond in various formats to suit your needs, such as generating responses in MediaWiki syntax for wiki articles.

Remember, AI is a tool that enhances human capabilities and doesn't replace the need for human judgment, creativity, and expertise.

With advancing improvements in AI translating the CompleteNoobs wiki into different languages will become much easier, saving both time and cost.

CompleteNoobs blockchain project

Seeing as a wiki is just an index/database of linked pages, there might be a way to create a blockchain containing the pages (Zeronet and IPFS hashs for each page). After seeing how much capital goes to sh*t coins, directing some of that capital towards funding a free and open education project might be worth considering. And will allow the wiki to be hosted in a decentralized manner.

The how? At current time, I have no idea. Hoping someone makes a tutorial.

Value for Value model

Seeing the advancing development of podcasting 2.0 and the bitcoin lightning network, I do wonder if it maybe applicable to the wiki, being able to tip a page you found value from, and allowing the tip to be split between contributors to the page.

Funding or Sale

I had limited time to work on this project solo, full time from February 2023 to May 2023 at which point I had to return to part time work and soon after to full time work, which caused CompleteNoobs to stagnant and come to a halt, trying to work on this project solo with limited free time just created exhaustion and getting nothing done. This project needs full time attention and development to advance.

After coming to the conclusion that this project is not possibly without capital, I have decided to try a ‘go for no’ and am trying to contact as many people and parties as possibly who may have an interest in the creation of a free and open education project.

Currently seeking funding and/or the purchase of the CompleteNoobs project, Ideally someone who has good communication and networking skills who could raise funds from governments and others who have an interest in making education free and open to all.

Though out history education has been important for advancement, one person learns the hard way and then teaches others how to do it the easy way. Education is global, with global demand.

In the USA $15,424 is spent per child per year in public schools.

Thank you for spending the time to read this, If you see any value in this project and have an interest in helping the creation and development of this project, or if you could forward this to someone who may be interested, I can be contacted at the wiki its self, by requesting an account and entering data in the bios section.

Projects Outside of Computers science

Seeing as the project is based on computers, its the correct first project for CompleteNoobs.

But This project can be expanded endlessly

Mushroom Cultivation

Tutorials for the mushroom cultivation cycle, from spore to spore:

  1. Spore Collection: The cycle begins with the collection of spores, typically gathered from mature mushrooms.

  2. Spore Germination: The collected spores are germinated in a sterile environment to produce hyphae, which will eventually form mycelium.

  3. Substrate Preparation: A growth substrate (like straw, wood chips, or compost) is prepared and sterilized to eliminate any competing bacteria or fungi.

  4. Inoculation: The germinated spores (now in the form of mycelium) are introduced to the substrate. This process is done in clean conditions to prevent contamination.

  5. Incubation: The inoculated substrate is kept in controlled conditions to allow the mycelium to colonize the substrate fully.

  6. Fruiting: Environmental conditions are adjusted (light, temperature, humidity) to trigger the mycelium to produce fruit bodies - the actual mushrooms.

  7. Harvesting: Mushrooms are harvested once they reach maturity, being careful not to damage the mycelium.

  8. Spore Collection for Next Cycle: Mature mushrooms from the harvest are used to collect spores, starting the cycle anew.


My education on this subject is very limited.

If the residents of Gibraltar, every 4 to 5 years, were to capture every "Barbary Monkey" and one by one put them in a voting booth, not letting them out until they each had pressed one of four buttons—a red button, a blue button, a green button, or a yellow button—then, as far as I know, they would have a fully functioning democracy.

I would really like a clear, simple guide for complete noobs on the subject of government structure and democracy.

I would like to understand what government is exactly, what my vote employs someone for?, what their responsibilities and powers are?

Would like to know the full algorithm of government structure to a reproducible science using simple easy to understand flow charts.

Without education on government, going to vote I feel no better than a monkey pushing a button.

I vote depending on which marketing department has made a better sale. Vote for ‘foo’, because ‘bar’ is bad. Vote for ‘bar’, because ‘foo’ is bad. I have no fecking idea whats going on! Might as well push a random button.