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Greetings Fellow Noobs – We all strt as Noobs

CompleteNoobs is currently in its Draft conceptual phase of development, and we are learning as we go.

Use the resources provided at your own risk.

Mission is to make computer science free, open, and reproducible for hobbyists, sysadmins, teachers, students, and anyone interested in the field.

The only proprietary aspects of this site are the domain and the trademark 'CompleteNoobs'. All content is available for download as an XML file at and is Libre licensed for everyone to use.

CompleteNoobs is a platform to share tutorials, documentation, walkthroughs, computer science courses, notes, and tips acquired along the way, under a Libre License that ensures the following freedoms:

* Read

* Edit/Modify

* Copy

* Share/host freely

Note: Content licensed under CC BY-NC-SA can be hosted on the non-commercial fork: This site is currently down, but a demostration page can be found on CompleteNoobz can be set up as a charity for financial benefit, providing advantages for both donors and funding the creation of content.

You can host your own mediawiki and import the contents of completenoobs freely.

All content is available for download as an XML file at and is Libre licensed for everyone to use.

Guide on how to Install mediawiki and import Noob content for Windows 10 and Linux can be found here , FreeBSD and OSX will be included later.

CompleteNoobs aims to bridge the gap between seasoned experts and beginners in various subjects and skills. We provide a platform where experienced individuals can generously share their knowledge, advice, and wisdom with those who are striving to learn and achieve their goals.

CompleteNoobs serves as a collaborative space where both experts (pros) and beginners (noobs) can contribute by creating and editing content, sharing their insights, and documenting their learning journeys. A interactive wiki platform allows beginners to not only benefit from expert guidance but also contribute their experiences. Noobs can report any errors or bugs they encounter, explain how they resolved them, or seek clarification on concepts they find challenging. By doing so, they become valuable contributors who help fellow noobs on their learning paths.

There is a desire to introduce/implementation of a 'value-for-value' (V4V) system. This system will give contributors the option to receive tips or donations as a token of appreciation for their valuable contributions.

A good well-crafted tutorial or guide may be worth the difference between success and failure to many a noob, who will consume and be guided by it.


Bitcoin requires free education to increase understanding of one of the greatest open-source projects of our time. The current costs of learning Bitcoin for noobs are way too high.

Understanding Bitcoin by creating your own fork and mining some coins. ** Even low-powered computers can mine the first few blocks.

Education can greatly increase the value of Bitcoin to the noob and in return increasing the value of bitcoin.

Blockchain Basics

AI Game Changer for writing Documentation

AI technology is advancing rapidly and is becoming a game-changer in the field of writing documentation. Soon, it might be possible to have an AI read your code repository and create documentation suitable for complete beginners.

Leveraging AI for Enhancing Documentation Efforts

As of May 24, 2023, OpenAI's policy allows the use of its AI model outputs for any purpose, which includes releasing content under a CC0 License. However, this policy is subject to future changes.

Caution: Carefully Review AI-Generated Documentation

AI is a powerful tool but it is not perfect and can make mistakes. Therefore, it's essential to thoroughly review, validate, and test any AI-generated content before including it in your documentation.

For example, ChatGPT once provided a tutorial for installing and setting up MediaWiki on a remote server with Ubuntu 22.04. The process suggested setting up SSL after the initial MediaWiki setup, which could have exposed sensitive information over the internet.

Errors or bugs in AI-generated instructions are not rare. Nonetheless, ChatGPT can be a valuable ally in identifying and resolving such issues, acting like a "robot friend" in the documentation process.

Best Practices for Using AI in Documentation and Learning

  1. Specify Context: Inform the AI about the specific operating system and version you are using.

  2. Adjust Complexity: Tailor the AI's explanations to match your understanding level. For example, ask simple or complex questions based on your knowledge.

  3. Request In-Depth Tutorials: AI can generate detailed tutorials with comprehensive explanations and examples. For instance, you could ask for a step-by-step guide on setting up a VPN on Ubuntu 22.04, including troubleshooting tips.

  4. Utilize AI's Flexibility: AI can respond in various formats to suit your needs, such as generating responses in MediaWiki syntax for wiki articles.

Remember, AI is a tool that enhances human capabilities and doesn't replace the need for human judgment, creativity, and expertise. It's important to use AI responsibly and effectively to produce accurate, meaningful, and helpful content.

Projects Outside of Computers

Seeing as the project is based on computers, its the correct first project for CompleteNoobs.

This project can be expanded endlessly

Mushroom Cultivation

Tutorials for the mushroom cultivation cycle, from spore to spore:

  1. Spore Collection: The cycle begins with the collection of spores, typically gathered from mature mushrooms.

  2. Spore Germination: The collected spores are germinated in a sterile environment to produce hyphae, which will eventually form mycelium.

  3. Substrate Preparation: A growth substrate (like straw, wood chips, or compost) is prepared and sterilized to eliminate any competing bacteria or fungi.

  4. Inoculation: The germinated spores (now in the form of mycelium) are introduced to the substrate. This process is done in clean conditions to prevent contamination.

  5. Incubation: The inoculated substrate is kept in controlled conditions to allow the mycelium to colonize the substrate fully.

  6. Fruiting: Environmental conditions are adjusted (light, temperature, humidity) to trigger the mycelium to produce fruit bodies - the actual mushrooms.

  7. Harvesting: Mushrooms are harvested once they reach maturity, being careful not to damage the mycelium.

  8. Spore Collection for Next Cycle: Mature mushrooms from the harvest are used to collect spores, starting the cycle anew.


My education on this subject is very limited.

If the residents of Gibraltar, every 4 to 5 years, were to capture every "Barbary Monkey" and one by one put them in a voting booth, not letting them out until they each had pressed one of four buttons—a red button, a blue button, a green button, or a yellow button—then, as far as I know, they would have a fully functioning democracy.

I would really like a clear, simple guide for complete noobs on the subject of government structure and democracy.

I would like to understand what government is exactly, what my vote employs someone for?, what their responsibilities and powers are?

Would like to know the full algorithm of government structure to a reproducible science using simple easy to understand flow charts.

Without education on government, going to vote I feel no better than a monkey pushing a button.

I vote depending on which marketing department has made a better sale. Vote for ‘foo’, because ‘bar’ is bad. Vote for ‘bar’, because ‘foo’ is bad. I have no fecking idea whats going on! Might as well push a random button.